Tuesday 13 November 2012

404 - Files not found

Day 2 at the Bicycle Academy, was predominantly a day of mitring tubes, accompanied with plenty of workshop lubricant and biscuits

No photos of the biscuits because I dont think they ever stayed still long enough!

The Bicycle Academy has a firm belief in teaching you to do things in ways you can cost effectively repeat at home. This means LOTS of hand cutting and filing to create the tube mitres. There aren't any pictures of this - just imagine a devilishly handsome man filing some tubing for several hours and you have the picture.

The old adage "Measure twice, cut once" definitely applies in this instance, and my coursemate Alan likes to add the additional caveat of "think three times" first. By the end of the day I had all of my front triangle tubes and my chainstays mitred, and it was time to tack it all together

Now yesterday's brazing masterclass seemed like an awfully long time ago when trying to tack the frame together - it's one thing knowing in your head where to point the torch, communicating that to your hands is quite another! but with some careful encouragement and nudging from Andrew and Chris (they're very good at this part) I ended up with this just before I was due to leave today.

It's starting to look like a bike now. Excited. Enthused. Cant wait for tomorrow!

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